r/ps3homebrew: News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! PS3 Homebrew Rebug (recommended):; HFW; Ferrox; Habib; Darknet; PASTA CFW; Littlebalup's Dual-Boot OFW; Overflow Rebug 4.84.1 LITE - Install over CEX firmware Rogero 9.99 Downgrader - 3.55 CFW with PUP spoofed to 9.99.
Update (Jan 2017): v2.0 update has been released Important Update (March-2019) v3.0.1 was released providing support for 4.84 HFW (a new hybrid This is due in the way this was delivered and presented. We paused the reporting this on the frontpage until we were pleased with the documentation. This is a weekly segment where I cover new homebrews or major updates to homebrews/apps/software firmware, any interesting, important or useful news on the hRebug 3.41.3 and 3.55.2 - Codename: Rebughttps://rebug.meForeword The team would like to thank everyone who entered the logo competition we ran over at ps3crunch our new support site. It was a hard choice but the winner in the end was blastleaf with the awesome scorpion artwork above. Tested NFS:MW on 4.21REX without installing the 01.01 udpate for the game. === 04.11.12 * Fixed LV1 peek/poke for 4.21REX in DEX mode + DEX lv2_kernel * Added back IDPS display in "System Information" * Added preliminary support for 4.30CFW… Playstation Development Wiki, Hacks, PS3, PS4, PS5 and Development Information [Update#3 at bottom] Remember a few weeks ago Mathieulh released a video of the QA flagged PS3? To refresh your memories; the QA flag is the internal console flag used by Sony, it enables hidden options and removes restrictions for both…
For all your Gaming Needs Update: A bug was fixed with the release of v0.91, If using v0.90 it is recommenced to update to this new update Ps3 Developer @MixeryMaxe has a new PSX-Place.com is dedicated to bringing you the latest Homebrew, Hacking, Exploits, CFW, Jailbreak & PlayStation Scene News to your fingertips Le meilleur mode de jeu est le CEX (vente au détail). En ce qui concerne la protection d'interdiction PSN uniquement, il n'y a rien à gagner à passer au plug-in SEN Enabler, à l'exception éventuellement du support DEX (?) Viewing only articles authored by pinkfloydviste. Following the introduction of 4.84 Starbuged CFW for the PS3, which also gave us the introduction of Cobra v8.0x from developer @habib, Has now
This is due in the way this was delivered and presented. We paused the reporting this on the frontpage until we were pleased with the documentation. This is a weekly segment where I cover new homebrews or major updates to homebrews/apps/software firmware, any interesting, important or useful news on the hRebug 3.41.3 and 3.55.2 - Codename: Rebughttps://rebug.meForeword The team would like to thank everyone who entered the logo competition we ran over at ps3crunch our new support site. It was a hard choice but the winner in the end was blastleaf with the awesome scorpion artwork above. Tested NFS:MW on 4.21REX without installing the 01.01 udpate for the game. === 04.11.12 * Fixed LV1 peek/poke for 4.21REX in DEX mode + DEX lv2_kernel * Added back IDPS display in "System Information" * Added preliminary support for 4.30CFW… Playstation Development Wiki, Hacks, PS3, PS4, PS5 and Development Information [Update#3 at bottom] Remember a few weeks ago Mathieulh released a video of the QA flagged PS3? To refresh your memories; the QA flag is the internal console flag used by Sony, it enables hidden options and removes restrictions for both… Following the release of 4.83 Ferrox Cobra, we have developer @Bobby_Downgrades who has dropped various editions of 4.83 Custom Firmware, first off is
r/ps3homebrew: News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! PS3 Homebrew Rebug (recommended):; HFW; Ferrox; Habib; Darknet; PASTA CFW; Littlebalup's Dual-Boot OFW; Overflow Rebug 4.84.1 LITE - Install over CEX firmware Rogero 9.99 Downgrader - 3.55 CFW with PUP spoofed to 9.99. Install homebrew games and apps. Q. Does it matter A. If your PS3 is on 3.55 firmware or below, you can jailbreak it regardless of model. Otherwise The most popular is Rebug due to it supporting both CEX and DEX modes. Q. Is there a 14 Dec 2016 Wicked cool app that allows you to download the latest emulators, managers, homebrew games, patches, themes and more right from your The most common feature is the addition of an "App Loader" of homebrew apps as signed DLC-like packages. to patch Miha's exploit for 3.55, however, within a day A custom firmware known as "Rebug", released on allowing users to download PSN content for free, 15 May 2011 Part II - New Homebrew - PS3/PC Collection - PSX-SCENE: The "Other" Playstation Network 4-15-11 Stealth Patch for Rebug 3.55.1 and 3.41.2 | Download 6-02-11 Rogero Manager v8.3 | Download | CFW, MFW, 3.55, 3.41, Rogero Manager 64 Themes Packages - "Thanks to Opium2K for his great
PSX-Place.com is dedicated to bringing you the latest Homebrew, Hacking, Exploits, CFW, Jailbreak & PlayStation Scene News to your fingertips