gsutil acl ch -g gs://example-logs-bucket
Hit the ground running with Google Cloud Storage with quick examples of how to create a bucket, write, read, and update data. Usually, you will want to explicilty configure the project option to match the project ID found in your Cloud console (note that this is sometimes, but not always, the same as the project name). Jupyter support for Google Cloud Storage. Contribute to src-d/jgscm development by creating an account on GitHub. A dynamic DDNS client for Google Cloud DNS. Contribute to conorcunningham/google-ddns development by creating an account on GitHub. Cross-Cloud - multi-cloud K8s provisioner for CNCF CI Project - crosscloudci/cross-cloud
2 Sep 2016 Google Cloud Monitoring API Command Line. from apslite. Project description; Project details; Release history; Download files usage: gcpmetrics [-h] [--version] [--init-config DIR] [--config FILE] [--keyfile FILE] Google Cloud Storage API client library. Topic. Internet. Project description; Project details; Release history; Download files Setup Authentication. This guide assumes, the user has an account in Google Cloud platform and it's The first method is manual way, which requires the user to download and Terraform doesn't have a setup file; hence its binary file has to be placed in the bin This document explains how to install and authorize the Google Cloud SDK in your primary container. Remember to download the JSON-formatted key file. gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=- gcloud --quiet config set project Scripts for managing a Phabricator server on Google's Cloud Platform. Branch: master. New pull request. Find file. Clone or download Once you've configured your project's config file you can run the install script: ./install -p
V2 of the API relies on a Google Cloud Platform Service Account for Caution: You can only download this JSON file once, so make sure to save the file and 6 days ago For example, to download version v1.17.0 on Linux, type: curl -LO Note: Edit the config file with a text editor of your choice, such as Notepad. You can install kubectl as part of the Google Cloud SDK. Install the Google 23 Aug 2019 This tutorial is about Google Cloud Platform's Config Connector, Let's download the Config Connector YAML files to install it in Minikube. Tutorial that helps users set up Dremio on Google Cloud Platform with Oracle. Open SSH web-console and download installation file using curl and copied link. Open **/etc/sysctl.conf** file sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf # Add the following Create, update, and maintain Kubernetes resource files within IntelliJ. Use hosted Git repos on Google Cloud Platform with Cloud Code for IntelliJ to store Follow the instructions below to try the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text and go through the setup; Return to the main billing page, then click the My projects tab. Your credentials will download automatically. The file name contains your project name and some numbers:
# Example configuration.yaml entry tts: - platform: google_cloud key_file: googlecloud.json language: en-US gender: male voice: en-US-Wavenet-F encoding: linear16 speed: 0.9 pitch: -2.5 gain: -5.0 profiles: - telephony-class-application… The GCP Cloud KMS seal configures Vault to use GCP Cloud KMS as the seal wrapping mechanism. A flight simulator game is also included. Other features allow users to view photos from various places uploaded to Panoramio, information provided by Wikipedia on some locations, and Street View imagery. WP File Download addon documentation. Tutorial to use WP File Download file manager addon on your WordPress website. See Building Your Project with Gradle for more information about Gradle. Roles can be added to the project that contains the bucket. Set stackdriver.projectid to the project ID of the Google Cloud project where you want to view Stackdriver logs that pertain to your on-prem clusters.
Scripts for managing a Phabricator server on Google's Cloud Platform. Branch: master. New pull request. Find file. Clone or download Once you've configured your project's config file you can run the install script: ./install -p